Water Softening

Water Softner

A water softener removes minerals that create water hardness, one of the most common water quality problems a homeowner encounters. Hard water destroys appliances, leaves filmy soap scum across bathrooms and kitchens, and dries out hair and skin. With over 85% of the United States relying on hard water for their cooking, cleaning, and bathing, water softeners serve a vital purpose. A water softener saves you from replacing prematurely ruined water heaters, scaly faucet heads, and hours and hours of cleaning up soapy residue. Investing in a water softener saves you time, energy, and money, and protects your home and your property.

If you’re living with decreased pressure from scale-ridden pipes, dry hair, stiff laundry, and endless appliance repair bills, you need a water softener. Hard water is not a problem that will go away on its own and the costs incurred by hard water will only continue to escalate. With a water softener, appliances will inevitably fail sooner than their expected lifespan.

Aqua Solutions And Equipments provides efficient and reliable water softners which hepls in regeneration process...hard salts like Magnesium and Calcium in water are replaced by Sodium ions which greatly enhance the quality of water making it more soluble.


Hard water is water that has high mineral content (in contrast with "soft water"). Hard water is formed when water percolates through deposits of limestone, chalk or gypsum which are largely made up of calcium and magnesium carbonates, bicarbonates and sulfates.
Hard drinking water may have moderate health benefits, but can pose critical problems in industrial settings, where water hardness is monitored to avoid costly breakdowns in boilers, cooling towers, and other equipment that handles water. In domestic settings, hard water is often indicated by a lack of foam formation when soap is agitated in water, and by the formation of limescale in kettles and water heaters. Wherever water hardness is a concern, water softening is commonly used to reduce hard water's adverse effects.

  • Rusty looking stains on toilets, tubs, sinks, and showers
  • Water spots on dishes and silverware
  • Lime build-up on showerheads and plumbing fixtures
  • Dry skin and hair
  • And the list goes on…
  • Easier cleaning – no more hard water stains on fixtures, appliances, or clothing
  • Less soap and detergent detergents and soaps required
  • Increased longevity of water-using appliances (no mineral buildup on their insides!)
  • Softer skin and hair
  • Cleaner, spotless dishes and cutlery
  • And more…

Aqua Solutions And Equipments water softeners will provide your family with abundant, clean, safe water.

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