Centralised Purification Plant for Bore well Water

How can we help?

The water is getting contaminated day by day & every one does not get purified water by Govt. agency in their campus. Housing complexes, Commercial establishments, Industries are dependent on raw untreated water from well, bore well, nearby reservoir etc. This water may have contaminants which are harmful for human consumption for drinking & general use. With our expertise & understanding of all relevant technologies, we can offer you central purification plants. These are primarily combination of various units, technologies suitable for your needs. The water can be used for general purpose domestic application as well as drinking.

Many household have Municipal water supply, they use domestic purifiers of various types in each home. We provide an economic solution by providing Centralised UV purification just before the water reaches each tap. The typical system consists carbon filters, micron filter & UV purifier. This is also useful for hotels, restaurants, small hospitals etc. You can save more than 50% money if you install a single purifier of this type instead of putting ONE in every flat.

Some times the raw water source is so bad, that many parameters like hardness , TDS, bacterial contamination don't fall in ISI or WHO standards. We recommend central RO (Reverse Osmosis) systems. From this, the water quality will be as good as mineral water. These plants are very user friendly, they do not require frequent charging with chemicals like salt etc.

Finding the best water purifier is not easy but knowing your requirement and understanding the type of water and with the help of user and expert reviews, you can find the best water purifier for your home. If you’re not sure about these metrics and budget is not a concern for you, then you can go for a multi-technology-based water purifier. If you have a big budget, then RO + UV + UF water purifier with TDS controller are the best for all type of water supply in India.

Some of the most common problems of borewell water are:

Naturally, borewell water is suitable for daily necessities like washing, cleaning, and even drinking. However, the hardness of water and contamination levels can be a significant concern. A primary reason for this is the prolonged rainy seasons and also the interaction with heavy metals.

  • Hardness
  • Mud
  • Presence of heavy metals like Arsenic and Lead
  • Awful Odor
  • Microorganisms like bacteria and virus
  • Smelly Borewell Water

About 6,800 gallons of water is required to grow a day’s food for a family of four.

Our Solutions

If the water laboratory test verifies your borewell water has Fluoride, Arsenic, Lead traces then the only solution is to go with RO water purifier. RO membranes only have the ability to eliminate metals from the water. Usually all RO purifiers come with Activated carbon or UF filters to protect from bacteria as well. But if the lab tests show more number of bacteria and viruses as well then you can go for RO + UV water purifiers. UV kills all the bacteria and viruses in the water.

A reverse osmosis plant or nano filtration system can be better choice for whole house water filtration. Consider a family of 6 members consuming 1,200 litres of water per day in total. Using RO water purifier, the rejected water will be around 20%. You may use the purified water for drinking, cooking, bathing, etc. And, the reject water from RO unit for floor cleaning, flushing, etc.

The smell of sewage is likely caused by bacteria in your drain producing gases that arise when the faucet is turned on. Hydrogen sulfide is the gas most likely to cause this smell. It is commonly caused by bacteria that forms in your hot water heater when it is run at low temperatures or turned off for a period of time.
To determine if the bad smell is coming from your pipes or from your water, fill a glass of water and walk it away from the faucet before smelling it. If it does not smell, the culprit is likely the pipes and drain. If there is bacteria inside your drain, you’ll need to disinfect the sink and pipes using a small amount of soap and a small brush to clean the pipes right inside your drain.

Is your Borwell water hard, odor or smelly ?

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